A house that has been exposed to the elements.



Termite infestation is a big problem around the Houston area. A termite infestation is not only bad for your home and bad for your wallet.  But, with a few simple steps, you can avoid being manhandled by these wood-munching insects.


I inspected a house in Freeport the other day and found an active infestation of termites as I was doing my foundation inspection.  This reminded me of a house I’d looked at a few days before which had an old infestation which had been treated and did not look active. There were, however, several conditions around the house that made it conducive for termite activity.


One of them was the mulch in the flowerbeds which was up to and above the weep holes on the slab. There should be at least 4 inches of clearance below the brick line on slab foundations and 6 to 8 inches for stucco and wood siding. Mulch and soil level that high make it easy for termites to gain entry into a house without being detected.


In addition, items stacked against walls and around the garage hide termite activity.  These items can also hold moisture in the ground which can attract termites.


The best practice is to keep the grade around your foundation below the top of the slab and not have firewood, lumber or flower boxes, etc. next to the house because any wood on the ground will rot and attract termites and give them cover.


These are a few actions you can take around your own home to prevent termites from gaining access. If you suspect you might have a termite problem or just want the peace of mind that you don’t, Inspections by Pat can do that for you!


Give us a call for more information on our services at 713.305.3356, or, visit inspectionsbypat.com.  We offer professional residential and commercial inspections with guaranteed reports in 24 hours.


Thank you, we hope you have a great day!

  • Pat